Foundation at Swan Hill North Primary School
English - Phonics - Each week the children have a specific letter and/or sound focus. In Foundation, we use Little Learners Love Literacy and Reading Eggs to assist teaching and learning of Phonics.
Reading Groups - We have a Reading Group session daily. This is when the students work in small ‘like ability’ groups on a range of different reading and writing activities. One group at a time does a focused activity with the teacher. This allows us to teach explicit reading strategies in small groups and at student’s point of need. We use reading groups to assist in teaching our students a variety of reading strategies. These focus on developing students’ Comprehension, Accuracy, Fluency and Expanding Vocabulary.
Writing - We have set writing sessions throughout the week. Throughout the year we explore different writing genres, such as narratives, information texts, letter writing, procedural texts and more.
Mathematics - We have 5 Maths sessions a week covering Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry and Statistics and Probability.
Developmental Curriculum - Play is an essential part of learning and it promotes the holistic development (physical, social, emotional, cognitive and creative) of the child. Play-based learning provides opportunities for children to actively and imaginatively engage with people, objects and the learning environment.
Integrated Studies - Students study different inquiry topics each term. In Foundation, we cover the topics of All About Me, Our Community, Livings Things and Weather.
Reading Groups - We have a Reading Group session daily. This is when the students work in small ‘like ability’ groups on a range of different reading and writing activities. One group at a time does a focused activity with the teacher. This allows us to teach explicit reading strategies in small groups and at student’s point of need. We use reading groups to assist in teaching our students a variety of reading strategies. These focus on developing students’ Comprehension, Accuracy, Fluency and Expanding Vocabulary.
Writing - We have set writing sessions throughout the week. Throughout the year we explore different writing genres, such as narratives, information texts, letter writing, procedural texts and more.
Mathematics - We have 5 Maths sessions a week covering Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry and Statistics and Probability.
Developmental Curriculum - Play is an essential part of learning and it promotes the holistic development (physical, social, emotional, cognitive and creative) of the child. Play-based learning provides opportunities for children to actively and imaginatively engage with people, objects and the learning environment.
Integrated Studies - Students study different inquiry topics each term. In Foundation, we cover the topics of All About Me, Our Community, Livings Things and Weather.
Grade 1 & 2 at Swan Hill North Primary School
Reading – Throughout each week the students participate in daily independent or buddy reading in a small group guided reading session and are explicitly taught reading strategies. These strategies aim to extend the students’ understanding of what they read, assist them to self monitor and maintain accuracy while reading, work on fluency and expand their vocabulary.
Writing – In Writing, the students learn about the mechanics of writing and how to write an entertaining and informative text. Students complete texts in many genres including recounts, narratives, procedural texts, information reports and poetry. Students in Grade 1 continue to learn about phonemes and are introduced to many spelling rules through the continuation of the Little Learners Love Literacy, whilst Grade 2 commence Spelling Mastery and Sound Check.
Speaking and Listening - Students are given many and varied opportunities to develop their speaking and listening skills. They regularly partner share, share within small groups and contribute to whole class discussions where they express their own ideas, listen to others and learn to take turns.
Mathematics - Grade 1and 2 students participate in maths lessons daily. 1 lesson focuses specifically on problem solving strategies while the other 4 lessons cover mathematical concepts involved in number and place value, space, shape and measurement and chance and data. Many of our lessons are hands on and allow the students to manipulate materials to gain a greater understanding of concepts. Students are grouped to best cater for their needs.
Integrated Studies - Each term the students explore a different theme. Our topics are science and humanities based and explore the world around us. Topics include, Weather, Australia, Family; Past and Present, Mini Beasts and Under the Sea.
Writing – In Writing, the students learn about the mechanics of writing and how to write an entertaining and informative text. Students complete texts in many genres including recounts, narratives, procedural texts, information reports and poetry. Students in Grade 1 continue to learn about phonemes and are introduced to many spelling rules through the continuation of the Little Learners Love Literacy, whilst Grade 2 commence Spelling Mastery and Sound Check.
Speaking and Listening - Students are given many and varied opportunities to develop their speaking and listening skills. They regularly partner share, share within small groups and contribute to whole class discussions where they express their own ideas, listen to others and learn to take turns.
Mathematics - Grade 1and 2 students participate in maths lessons daily. 1 lesson focuses specifically on problem solving strategies while the other 4 lessons cover mathematical concepts involved in number and place value, space, shape and measurement and chance and data. Many of our lessons are hands on and allow the students to manipulate materials to gain a greater understanding of concepts. Students are grouped to best cater for their needs.
Integrated Studies - Each term the students explore a different theme. Our topics are science and humanities based and explore the world around us. Topics include, Weather, Australia, Family; Past and Present, Mini Beasts and Under the Sea.
Grade 3 & 4 at Swan Hill North Primary School
English - Literacy encompasses 3 dimensions: Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening. Literacy sessions are taught daily with a range of focuses including spelling, punctuation and grammar.
Reading - In Grade 3 and 4, reading takes place within the classroom each day and is encouraged as much as possible at home, ideally every night or morning. At school, the children will practise their reading with a partner, a parent helper, independently, as well as with their teacher for regular monitoring and assessment.
Writing - Grade 3 and 4 students will continue to utilise the school’s writing program in order to understand and develop key vocabulary, planning, organising and editing strategies. Students will learn the strategies necessary to plan, construct and edit a variety of texts such as persuasive, imaginative and informative genres. Students will demonstrate increasing control over text structure and language features.
Mathematics - Mathematics has three dimensions: Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry and Statistics and Probability. Numeracy sessions are taught daily. Students are grouped according to ability levels as this enables us to plan lessons that best suit each student’s learning needs. Students are assessed both formally and informally throughout the year to ascertain learning growth.
Integrated Studies - Each term the students explore a different theme. Our topics are science and humanities based and explore the world around us.
Reading - In Grade 3 and 4, reading takes place within the classroom each day and is encouraged as much as possible at home, ideally every night or morning. At school, the children will practise their reading with a partner, a parent helper, independently, as well as with their teacher for regular monitoring and assessment.
Writing - Grade 3 and 4 students will continue to utilise the school’s writing program in order to understand and develop key vocabulary, planning, organising and editing strategies. Students will learn the strategies necessary to plan, construct and edit a variety of texts such as persuasive, imaginative and informative genres. Students will demonstrate increasing control over text structure and language features.
Mathematics - Mathematics has three dimensions: Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry and Statistics and Probability. Numeracy sessions are taught daily. Students are grouped according to ability levels as this enables us to plan lessons that best suit each student’s learning needs. Students are assessed both formally and informally throughout the year to ascertain learning growth.
Integrated Studies - Each term the students explore a different theme. Our topics are science and humanities based and explore the world around us.
Grade 5 & 6 at Swan Hill North Primary School
Leadership - All Grade 5/6 children are seen as leaders of the school. The upper grade students are expected to behave in a courteous and respectful manner as role models across the school. With their particular responsibility as role models, their helpful, positive attitude is very important to the well-being for the rest of our school.
Literacy - We continue with reading, writing, spelling, grammar, speaking & listening. The children work in whole class activities, cooperatively in groups and also on independent tasks.
Mathematics - We have two different types of maths being taught throughout Grade 5 and 6, Numeracy groups and Maths Pathways, a Maths program which allows for accelerated maths learning at an individual level.
Integrated Studies - Each term the students explore a different theme. Our topics are science and humanities based and explore the world around us.
Literacy - We continue with reading, writing, spelling, grammar, speaking & listening. The children work in whole class activities, cooperatively in groups and also on independent tasks.
Mathematics - We have two different types of maths being taught throughout Grade 5 and 6, Numeracy groups and Maths Pathways, a Maths program which allows for accelerated maths learning at an individual level.
Integrated Studies - Each term the students explore a different theme. Our topics are science and humanities based and explore the world around us.
PHYSICAL EDUCATION AT Swan Hill North Primary School
Overview: The Physical Education Program at Swan Hill North Primary School encourages all students to develop a healthy mind and a healthy body. It aims to develop students’ fundamental motor skills, preparing them to be active participants in minor games, dance, athletics, gymnastics, aquatics, summer and winter sports, and a variety of other recreational games and activities.
Swimming is conducted for Grades 1 and 2 as an intensive 5-week program in Term 1 which is further supported within a whole school Surf Life Saving Victoria Swimming Program run at the end of the year.
Foundation students participate in the Perceptual Motor Program (PMP) for the majority of the Term 1 P.E Program. This program provides students with the opportunity to see, touch, process and make judgements about how to move their body through locomotion and balance stations and is delivered by the PE teacher. During PMP students rotate through five-minute stations and we invite parents to help with the program.
Grade 3-6
Grade 3 and 4 students begin the year with Tennis Coaching from our resident Hot Shot Coach. This program is a fantastic introduction to tennis for many of our students and is an important launchpad for those students looking to play tennis during Summer Sports.
Students in Grade 3 – 6 are involved in a comprehensive Summer and Winter Sport Program, where they work with teachers and student leaders from surrounding local secondary schools to develop their skills in a variety of sports. Throughout this program there is a heavy focus on the importance of strategy and team work.
Students in grades 5 & 6 are given the opportunity to play in the Primary School Futsal Competition (indoor soccer) which runs on a weeknight throughout most of Winter. Students are also given the opportunity to represent the school in the Big Bash T-20 Interschool Cricket Competition run by Cricket Victoria throughout Terms 1 & 4.
Swimming is conducted for Grades 1 and 2 as an intensive 5-week program in Term 1 which is further supported within a whole school Surf Life Saving Victoria Swimming Program run at the end of the year.
Foundation students participate in the Perceptual Motor Program (PMP) for the majority of the Term 1 P.E Program. This program provides students with the opportunity to see, touch, process and make judgements about how to move their body through locomotion and balance stations and is delivered by the PE teacher. During PMP students rotate through five-minute stations and we invite parents to help with the program.
Grade 3-6
Grade 3 and 4 students begin the year with Tennis Coaching from our resident Hot Shot Coach. This program is a fantastic introduction to tennis for many of our students and is an important launchpad for those students looking to play tennis during Summer Sports.
Students in Grade 3 – 6 are involved in a comprehensive Summer and Winter Sport Program, where they work with teachers and student leaders from surrounding local secondary schools to develop their skills in a variety of sports. Throughout this program there is a heavy focus on the importance of strategy and team work.
Students in grades 5 & 6 are given the opportunity to play in the Primary School Futsal Competition (indoor soccer) which runs on a weeknight throughout most of Winter. Students are also given the opportunity to represent the school in the Big Bash T-20 Interschool Cricket Competition run by Cricket Victoria throughout Terms 1 & 4.
Information Communication Technology (ICT)
Information Communcation Technology (ICT) is offered as a specialist subject to all students with the main focus being on developing computer literacy skills. Lessons cover the full range of Microsoft Programs.
The Internet and digital technologies serve as a wonderful educational tool. However, it is important that our students are aware of the dangers of using the world wide web. Swan Hill North Primary School aim to also provide students with the skills to remain ‘safe’ while working online.
Coding is also recognised as being essential in developing skills such as problem solving, logic and critical thinking. Coding is taught in all year levels across the school.
The Internet and digital technologies serve as a wonderful educational tool. However, it is important that our students are aware of the dangers of using the world wide web. Swan Hill North Primary School aim to also provide students with the skills to remain ‘safe’ while working online.
Coding is also recognised as being essential in developing skills such as problem solving, logic and critical thinking. Coding is taught in all year levels across the school.
INDONESIAN AT Swan Hill North Primary School
Foundation: In Foundation, students are introduced to the language of Bahasa Indonesia through participation in games, songs and activities. They explore Indonesian greetings, colours and numbers 1-10 through activities that are designed to strengthen their Indonesian vocabulary, fine motor and gross motor skills.
Grades 1&2: In Grades 1&2 students build on their skills developed in Foundation with a stronger focus on pronunciation and spelling of Indonesian words. Activities are designed to not only develop their Indonesian skills but also complement their English literacy skills. Topics covered include greetings, numbers 1-20, colours and emotions.
Grades 3&4: As students make their way into 3&4 Indonesian they start to experiment with language through a stronger focus on sentence structure and participation in Indonesian conversations. They start to explore a wider range of topics and introduced to cultural elements of Indonesia.
Grades 5&6: Students consolidate their understanding of Indonesian by taking part in conversations and writing more complex sentences exploring Indonesian sentence structure. Students learn Indonesian skills and concepts through games, exploring technology and creating their own work.
Grades 1&2: In Grades 1&2 students build on their skills developed in Foundation with a stronger focus on pronunciation and spelling of Indonesian words. Activities are designed to not only develop their Indonesian skills but also complement their English literacy skills. Topics covered include greetings, numbers 1-20, colours and emotions.
Grades 3&4: As students make their way into 3&4 Indonesian they start to experiment with language through a stronger focus on sentence structure and participation in Indonesian conversations. They start to explore a wider range of topics and introduced to cultural elements of Indonesia.
Grades 5&6: Students consolidate their understanding of Indonesian by taking part in conversations and writing more complex sentences exploring Indonesian sentence structure. Students learn Indonesian skills and concepts through games, exploring technology and creating their own work.